Paxherbals is committed
The environment is ready
Students In Training at Paxherbals
Students from over 20 universities in Nigeria
The future starts today with training, research, and development
Educating the next generation of students is at the core of our social contract.
That is why Paxherbals has set up a very robust Students Industrial Work Experience environment that is designed to provide students a learning and research eviromonet specially tailored to ensure the propagation of knowledge of natural medicine and holistic or wellness knowledge.
The future depends on well trained minds prepared and activated to provide great solution to the ever increasing challenges brought by sickness and disease.
We believe we if we can provide a modern training environment, students can be more effectively at dealing with the challenges of the future.
Students' Social Event
"I am very grateful I choose to come to Paxherbals for my industrial training experience. It has been time well spent and very rewarding".

Maro Adams
Microbiology, AAU
"This experience has afforded me the opportunity to realized all I have learnt during my degree program. I can now identify and differentiate plants that are difficult to differentiate. I am grateful to my mentors."

Ade Johnson
Microbiology, UNN